Oct 10, 2023Liked by Karim Zidan

Yesterday on MSNBC's YouTube Channel Ari Melber was discussing how this Hamas vs. Israeli conflict got to this point. In the comments I referenced Karim's article and quoted a snippet from his article. MSNBC youtube moderators deleted the comment.

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No surprise from MSNBC, though I do enjoy Mehdi Hasan

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Karim Zidan

I applaud Karim for applying context. In the news media I’ve listened to so far NO ONE mentioned anything Karim pointed out. Seems like Israel is getting some comeuppance for their previous actions.

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Your mistaking innocent Isrealies for their Government. That's called anti-semitic. There's zero justification for slaughtering people for any reason, period. The SS would have given you a thumbs up though for that comment.

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Yes after re-reading my comment and your comment you are 1000% correct. I should have written Israeli government there and not Israel. I did not mean to be Anti-Semitic. The innocent Israelis did not deserve to be harmed the way they were by Hamas.

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It's an innocent error, something we can all do easily. Governments everywhere have blood on their hands.

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Sports should be a reward and a celebration of people coming together. It's not going to mend anything on its own.

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I was flicking through channels on Friday and landed on 'The African League'. What's this I thought, and then up he popped in the crowd Infantino, sat by his side kick Wenger. Turns out it's his 'big' African project. About bloody time (but you just know it'll be corrupt).

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Excellent work!

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Just as 9/11 was not the day to discuss America's foreign policy failures, the reaction to this event should not be used as a platform to speak on Israel's policy failures. This was a tragedy.

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I completely disagree. Without applying context, we are doomed to repeat such tragedies again.

Also, it people had actually discussed America's foreign policy after 9/11 instead of leading battle cries, maybe it wouldn't have sucked itself into two entirely avoidable wars that Americans continue to pay for.

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Amen brother.

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