Appreciate you Karim!

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Karim, you write well, and I enjoy your column in The Guardian. You write on many, many subjects, and have challenged many of my ways of thinking. Thank you. Your piece on the King's coronation was one such, and I mention it because yours is a cogent opinion not at all shared by the people of Britain.

So, do you have in your universe a space where people can just not have an opinion, or where they might legitimately just want to get on with their lives because otherwise they'd be spending 25 hours a day 8 days a week campaigning against everything you criticise? Do you yourself not get exhausted?

Your piece about Mohamed Salah is a case in point: his day job is to play football, and he is wonderful to watch (I am neither a football nor a Liverpool fan, but he sparkles like his smile). My guess is that he is more devoted to his wife and children than he is to football, but apparently his actual job is be a beacon to all Arabs and Muslims, he must not put up a Christmas tree, etc, etc, etc - it just goes on and on and doesn't stop. Is there no space for people to just be? For those who let others live and let live to live and let live?

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